Dear "Hot" Newsletter Subscribers, Are you warm? Sticky? You get the idea, don't you?
I believe that we have the perfect cure for the summertime heat of course in addition to an ice-cold glass of lemonade.
Discount shop all through the Dogs Days of Summer!
We will email our newsletter subscribers each Monday, Wednesday and Friday with 3 new styles along with a unique coupon code that will entitle you to a discount of 30% off our publicly discounted prices. Woof! Woof! Woof!
Friday July 15th: Coupon Code is 30JULY15OFFAnd please don't forget about joining our VIP Gold Membership program, the single best innovation in discounting shopping in the last decade. As a VIP Goldie, you will enjoy prices that are 30% less than our publicly discounted prices on any purchase 24/7. Did I tell you that VIP Goldies can stack UNLIMITED coupons at checkout...UNLIMITED? Now, that's fashion at unbeatable prices! If you or if you have a friend that hasn't yet joined VIP Gold, we encourage you to act now and join the very best discount shopping club anywhere on the internet: VIP Gold! Don't wait to join VIP Gold Membership! Click here! Yours in Discounting, Michael Weintraub, Master Discounter, Patriot and Founder of
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